Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Cotoneaster pannosus

ζ*C. pannosus Franchet

ζ*C. pannosus Franchet ζ* has recently been collected wild in the Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland, where a few plants were growing in an open waste area. An evergreen shrub c. 1-2 m high with stems erect at first and later strongly arching downwards; lvs to 3 × 1.5 cm, elliptic or slightly obovate-elliptic, dull green and glabrous above when mature, persistently whitish tomentose beneath; apex acute; fls 7-15, in villous corymbs; calyx villous; corolla of spreading, white, ± orbicular petals; fr. 5-6 mm long, broadly ellipsoid-oblong, deep or almost dark red, somewhat shining, finally almost glabrous except at apex. The sp. is occasionally cultivated but is often confused with both C. franchetii in sect. Cotoneaster and the much more closely related C. glaucophyllus. (Yunnan, 1988).

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