Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Solanum aviculare G.Forst.

S. aviculare Forst. f. Pl. Esc. 1786, 42.

Type locality: Queen Charlotte Sound. Lectotype (Baylis loc. cit. 641): BM, G. Forster's Herb. 107.

Glab. soft-wooded branching shrub or small tree up to ± 3 m. tall; stems green or purplish. Lvs alt., dark green, membr. to subcoriac., (4)-15-30-(40) cm. long, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, entire or irregularly pinnatifid (us. on same plant) with c. 1-3 lanceolate acute lobes; petioles decurrent. Fls axillary in 1-3 few- to many-fld cymes. Calyx-lobes short, broad, spreading. Corolla broadly campanulate to rotate, up to 3·5 cm. diam.; lobes c. = tube, lanceolate; lavender, paling towards margins, or white. Filaments = or > anthers. Anthers oblong, spreading, opening by apical slits. Berry broadly ovoid, 20-25 mm. long, drooping, yellowish. Seeds < 2 mm. long. Baylis (loc. cit. 639) gives: n = 23, average pollen-grain diam. 25-31 µ; stone-cell masses in ripe fr. inconspicuous, only exceeding the seeds in size when coalescent.

DIST.: K., Three Kings, N., S., Ch. Coastal and lowland forest margins and shrubland to Marlborough Sounds and Karamea coast. Poroporo.

FL.- FT. most of year.

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