Var. laxa
Veronica laxa Simpson et Thomson in T.R.S.N.Z. 72, 1942, 32 non Benth. Scroph. Ind. 1835, 45.
Parahebe laxa (Simpson et Thomson) W. R. B. Oliver loc. cit. 229.
Type locality: Homer Valley, 800 m. altitude. Type: BD 76013, D. S. Coombs, Dec. 1940.
Stems with sparse to dense crisped pubescence. Lf-laminae broadly ovate or obovate to suborbicular, 3-6-(8) mm. wide, more abruptly narrowed to petiole. Pedicels and sts base of calyx ± pubescent.
DIST.: S. Homer Valley; Fowler Pass and mountains above Freeman Burn.
The lax habit emphasized by Simpson and Thomson is often but not always found, and the "minute pubescence" of lvs and calyx they describe is not evident in the type material. A collection from Mt. Tyndall, head of the Shotover R. (Otago Univ. Herb. 3285, P. Wardle, 6/2/53) which probably belongs here is unusually elongated with distant lvs and long pedicels.