Lecidea durietzii H.Magn.
Type: New Zealand. Otago, Cromwell on rocks on roadside near railway station, 1927. G. Einar and Greta Du Rietz, S - not seen.
Thallus forming small patches among other lichens, very uneven, 0.2-0.5 mm thick, granular-subareolate, greyish. Apothecia 0.35-0.6 mm diam., innate or sessile, disc black, epruinose, convex, margins thin, concolorous with disc, prominent in young fruits, excluded at maturity. Epithecium 12-15 µm thick, dark bluish-green. Hymenium 60-65 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium colourless or pale brownish-yellow, c. 50 µm thick. Asci clavate, 40-45 × 12-13 µm. Ascospores ovoid or broadly ellipsoid, 9-11 × 7 µm.
S: Otago, known only from the type collection.