Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Lecidea miscescens Nyl.

L. miscescens Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 83 (1888).

Holotype: New Zealand. Westland, near Greymouth, on trees. Richard Helms 253, 1886, H-NYL 20923!

Thallus dingy whitish, creamish or greyish, thin, wrinkled, continuous or areolate-cracked, uneven. Apothecia pale to dark brown, translucent when wet, convex, immarginate, 0.1-0.6 mm diam., solitary or 1-3-confluent. Hymenium pale straw-coloured or colourless, 30-40 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses dense, capitate, 5 µm thick and yellow-brown at apices. Ascospores shortly ellipsoid, 10.2-12.0 × 3.4-5.1 µm.

S: Known only from the type collection but probably more widely distributed.


On Phyllocladus and Nothofagus bark.

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