Lecidea fuscocincta Stirt.
Lectotype: New Zealand. Wellington. J. Buchanan, 1874 out of No. 35/74-No. 106(a), BM!
Thallus thin, pale glaucous-greyish, continuous or minutely areolate-cracked, minutely wrinkled-verrucose or granular. Apothecia sessile 0.2-1.2 mm diam., scattered or 1-2-confluent, disc plane, soon becoming convex, dark brown or pale brown in part, matt, minutely granular, margins concolorous with disc or darker, entire, persistent, slightly raised in young fruits. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10.2-17 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
N: Known only from the type collection.
On smooth barked trees and shrubs (Hoheria, Melicytus etc.) associating with species of Bacidia.