Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Plantago L.


Fls mostly perfect in heads or cylindrical spikes, sts reduced to a single fl. Stamens inserted on corolla-tube, ovules 2 to many. Capsule circumscissile, 1- to many-seeded. Terrestrial herbs; bases of petioles including tufts of long woolly or silky hairs in many spp. Mostly protogynous and wind-pollinated. About 200 spp. mostly in temperate regions. N.Z. spp. endemic except 2; several widespread European spp. are thoroughly naturalized.


Lvs up to 5 cm. broad; spike 8-10 cm. long, lax below; ovules 2 (Auckland Is)
Lvs < 3 cm. broad, spike rarely > 4 cm. long, compact; ovules > 2
Taproot well-developed, adventitious roots absent; stem almost hairless (Auckland Is)
Taproot absent, adventitious roots us. ∞; stem with cop. long silky hairs
Sepals and bracts much < 1/2 capsule-length; corolla-tube twice lobe-length; spike 1-fld; scape short and hidden or elongating in fr., glab. except for tuft of hairs below spike
Sepals at least 1/2 capsule-length; corolla-tube not > lobe-length; spike 1-∞-fld; scape rarely hidden, us. ═ or > lf-length, not glab
Bracts and sepals hairy or fringed; spike us. ∞-fld; corolla-lobes 2 × 1·5 mm.; ovules 4
Bracts and sepals glab. (occ. minute marginal cilia); spike 1-∞-fld; corolla-lobes smaller; ovules 4-∞
Hairs on keels of bracts and sepals
Hairs on margins only of bracts and sepals
Lvs showing 2 or more lateral veins; spike many-fld, length > width
Lvs showing no distinct veins except midrib; spike 1-few-fld, length little if at all > width
Capsule pointed, ovules regularly 5; spike us. ∞-fld, often 2-3 cm. long; lf-lamina 5-10 × 1-2 cm., submembr., short hairs us. scattered over both surfaces
Capsule rounded, ovules 4-(8); spike up to 12-fld; lf-lamina 1-4 cm. × 6-10 mm., ± fleshy, hairs long, few, us. confined to upper surface
Upper lf-surface covered with cop. long hairs, at least when young
Upper lf-surface glab. or with scattered long hairs
Lvs linear to lanceolate or narrow-rhomboid, entire to strongly toothed, narrow and us. glab. below obtuse tips; spike 1-2-fld; bracts membr.; corolla-lobes narrow-triangular, acute, c. 2 × 0.7 mm.
Lvs elliptic to oval, entire or obscurely toothed, broad with us. scattered hairs below obtuse tips; spike (1)-2-12-fld; bracts not membr.; corolla-lobes oblong, obtuse, c. 1·5 × 1 mm.

Size of both lvs and spikes depends greatly on growing conditions and there is us. a wide range within each sp.

Pilger (Pflanzenr. 102, 1937, 16) regards the number of seeds (and their form) as one of the most important characters for systematic classification, and ovule-number takes a prominent place in his key to subgenera and sections. Dowling (J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 50, 1936, 323-336) shows that in the British spp. seed-numbers are rather inconstant. No detailed studies have been made in N.Z., but number and arrangement of ovules are good characters for certain groups at least, e.g. P. raoulii (Sect. Mesembrynia) differs from all other N.Z. spp. in its 5 characteristically placed ovules, and P. triandra (Sect. Microcalyx) alone has often 20, sts 30-50 ovules.

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