Plantago triantha Spreng.
P. carnosa R. Br. Prodr. 1810, 425 non Lam. Illustr. 1, 1791, 341.
P. brownii Rapin in Mém. Soc. linn. Paris 6, 1827, 484.
P. subantarctica Ckn. Veg. N.Z. ed. 2, 1928, 337.
Type locality: Tasmania.
Primary root developing into a long stout taproot. Stem short, unbranched, without adventitious roots, and almost without long fine hairs. Lvs almost fleshy, rosulate, (1)-3-4-(8) cm. × 5-15 mm., lamina spathulate or oblanceolate, tapering gradually into long petiole; tip obtuse, margin sts entire but us. with a few large teeth or auricle-like lobes; lf-hairs short, few-celled, tapering to sharp point, confined to upper side of lf, glab. and hairy lvs sts occurring on same plant; midrib only obvious vein. Scapes us. ═ or > lvs, hairs sparse and spreading or sts dense immediately below spike. Spike 1-4-(7)-fld, fls often shortly pedicellate. Bracts 2-4 mm. long, largest at base of spike, ovate-acuminate, concave, incurved at tip and minutely apiculate, keel broad and indistinct, occ. with a few cilia; sepals c. 3 mm. long, resembling bracts. Corolla-tube short, lobes ovate, c. 1·5 × 1 mm.; anthers c. 1 mm. long, short-tipped; ovules (5)-8-12-(14); capsule c. 3 mm. long, seeds irregularly angular.
DIST.: A. Recorded apparently in error from Campbell Id (Cheeseman in Subantarct. Is N.Z. 2, 1909, 426) and not to be found there recently (Oliver and Sorensen, D.S.I.R. Cape Exped. Ser. Bull. 7, 1951, 5). Coastal rock and salt-meadow.
FL.- FT. 12-2.
Cockayne (loc. cit.) proposed the name P. subantarctica for the Auckland Is plant, "═ P. carnosa R. Br. ex Hook. f. in Flora Antarctica, I, (1844) 65, t. 43.", making it clear that he considered this distinct from the "so-called P. brownii" (loc. cit. 287) of the mainland but not discussing relationships with the Tasmanian plant described by Brown. Tasmanian specimens from National Herbarium of Victoria determined as P. carnosa R. Br. or P. triantha Spreng. match Auckland Is specimens well.