Gnaphalium simplicicaule Spreng.
Annual, 40-120 cm tall, branched or not at base and sometimes sparingly above; stems 1-(3), erect. Basal lvs 0 at flowering or sometimes dead but persisting. Lower cauline lvs apetiolate but lowermost often long-cuneate, densely tomentose on lower surface, sparsely to moderately tomentose on upper, somewhat discolorous, plane, spathulate to narrow-obovate, acute or subacute, mucronate, undulate at least near apex, (25)-40-100 × (2)-5-15-(20) mm; upper cauline lvs smaller, broader based and often ± oblong. Capitula in dense terminal and axillary leafy clusters; clusters remaining discrete or forming terminal spikes. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong or oblong, acutely narrowed to apiculate apex, (3)-3.5-4 mm long; stereome green; lamina pale brown, darker toward base; gap and margins usually clear, sometimes gap marked reddish purple; outer bracts glabrous. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.6 mm long.
N.: locally common in N. and S. Auckland as far S. as Raglan and Opotiki District.
S. America 1971
Forest margins and clearings, waste places, scrubland and damp sites such as lake margins and ditch edges.
FL Oct-Apr-(Sep).
This sp. is usually easily distinguished by the robust stems and leafy infl.