Myrsine salicina Heward ex Hook.f.
Suttonia salicina Hook f. Fl. Antarct. 1, 1844, 52.
Rapanea salicina (Hook. f.) Mez in Pflanzenr. 9, 1902, 370.
Tree up to 8 m. or more tall; bark very dark red to almost black. Lvs on stout flattened petioles up to 10 mm. long. Lamina 7-18 × 2-3 cm., narrow-elliptic to narrow-oblong, or almost linear, obtuse, very gradually tapering to base, coriac.; margins flat or slightly recurved. Infl. of ± dense fascicles ± 15-fld. Fls us. perfect, ± 3 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes 5, blunt, minutely ciliolate; petals oblong, revolute, often slightly connate at base. Fr. obovoid, (5)-8-9 mm. long, red to orange, 1-(2)-seeded; on pedicels up to ± 10 mm. long.
DIST.: N., S. Coastal to lower montane forest from near North Cape to 42º 30' in west of S.
FL. 8-1. Ft. 9-5.
Seedling and young plants us. have lvs serrate-dentate, 1-4 cm. long.