Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Myrsine coxii Cockayne

M. coxii. Ckn. in T.N.Z.I. 34, 1902, 318.

Suttonia coxii Ckn. in T.N.Z.I. 35, 1903, 359.

Rapanea coxii (CKn.) W. R. B. Oliver loc. cit. 112.

Type: W, "984 Lowland forest, L. C."

Shrub up to ± 4 m. tall, with creeping underground stems emitting offset plants; bark dark brown; branchlets clad in stiff white hairs when young. Lvs on short petioles, sts clustered on short lateral branchlets. Lamina entire, coriac., 10-20 × 5-10 mm., obovate, cuneately narrowed to base, obtuse, sts retuse to emarginate; margin flat, ciliolate when young. Infl. of 1 fl. or 2-3 together; fls subsessile, pedicels elongating in fr. Calyx-lobes 4, deltoid, ciliolate; petals 4, free, obovate-oblong, ciliolate; stigma sessile, capitate. Fr. ± 6 mm. diam., globose, purplish.

DIST.: Ch. Swamp forests.

FL.- FT. 6-8.

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