Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Poranthera microphylla Brongn.

P. microphylla Brong. in Duperrey Voy. Coq. Bot. 1828, 218, t. 50 B.

Slender diffuse monoec. herb, slightly woody at base; branches slender, up to 25 cm. long, branchlets almost filiform. Lvs in distant pairs to alt. on petioles 1-2 mm. long; stipules minute, pale, ovate. Lamina about obovate-spathulate, 3-6 × 2-3·5 mm. or more, membr., flat; margins not or very slightly revolute. Fls in axils of uppermost lvs, in few-fld cymes to solitary; bracts linear-subulate; sepals white tinged green, c. 1·5 mm. long, oblong; petals linear < sepals. Capsule globose-depressed.

DIST.: S. Forests (marginal) of the valleys of the Maitai, Cobb Pelorus and Tinline Rivers.

FL.- FT. 11-2. Also in Australia and Tasmania.

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