Liverworts v1 (2008) - A Flora of the Liverworts and Hornworts of New Zealand Volume 1
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Telaranea patentissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs.

Telaranea patentissima var. zebrina J.J.Engel & Merrill

Telaranea patentissima var. zebrina J.J.Engel & Merrill, Fieldiana, Bot. 44: 50. f. 17: 1, 2, 9–11. 2004. 

Holotype: New Zealand, North Is., Puketi Forest, 6 Dec. 1993, Braggins 93/172 (AKU); isotype: (F).

[Fig. 60: 1, 2, 9–11]

Leaves distinctly papillose, the dorsal half of disc coarsely striolate-papillose, the lobes with a uniseriate row (4)5 cells long (more than half the length of lobe); underleaf disc 8 cells wide throughout, the lobes uniseriate, 2–3 cells long.

This variety is similar to var. patentissima in almost all respects, but has a more pronounced development of surface papillae on the leaves. Papillae are not confined to the tips of the lobes, but occur also on the disc (Fig. 60: 1), which is conspicuously striolate (Fig. 60: 9).

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