Blechnum durum (T.Moore) C.Chr.
Lomaria dura Moore in Gdnrs' Chron. 1866, 290.
L. rigida J. Smith Ferns; Brit. & For. 1866, 290.
Rhizome stout, ascending, sts produced into a short caudex, clad in brown linear-attenuate to ovate-lanceolate paleae up to 15 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes rigid, 2.5-5 cm. long, paleate in lower half, dark brown, ± pilose. Rhachis stout, prominent, deeply grooved above, ± pilose, bearing numerous pinnae. Sterile lamina coriac. to almost fleshy, oblong to lanceolate, dark green above, paler below, acute to acuminate, margins entire; veinlets mostly forked; lower and mid portion pinnate, upper pinnatifid; 15-40-(75) × 3-5-(10) cm. Pinnae sessile by widened base, approximate. Larger pinnae 2-4-(7) cm. × 4-6-(12) mm., narrow-oblong, obtuse to subacute, subfalcate; lower gradually decreasing in size. Fertile lamina 10-40 × 2-7 cm.; pinnae rather close-set, linear-oblong, rigid, obtuse, patent. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
DIST.: N. Reported from Taranaki coast. S. Banks Peninsula (see Martin in T.N.Z.I. 52, 1920, 318). Not uncommon as a littoral plant from 44º on west and 45º 30' on east coast; St., Sn., Sol., Ch., A., C., Ant. Endemic.