Blechnum patersonii (R.Br.) Mett.
Stegania patersoni R. Br. Prodr. 1810, 152.
Lomaria patersoni Spreng. Syst. Veg. 4, 1827, 62.
L. elongata Blume Enum. Pl. Jav. 1828, 201.
L. colensoi Hook. f. Ic. Pl. 1844, t. 627, 628.
L. heterophylla Col. in Tasm. J. nat. Sci. 2, 1846, 175.
L. patersoni var. elongata Hook. et Baker Syn. Fil. 1873, 174.
Rhizome shortly creeping, up to 10 cm. or more long, 1-3 mm. diam., densely clad in dark brown ovate- to subulate-attenuate paleae up to 1 cm. long; stipites distributed. Stipes stout, blackish, 7-25 cm. long, paleate towards base. Rhachis or costa stout, ± sinuate, smooth. Sterile laminae of diverse forms on the same plant, coriac.; dark green above, paler below; costa prominent; margins entire, veins rather obscure, veinlets us. forked: (a) simple, narrow-oblong to lanceolate, 15-30-(45) cm. long, acuminate, sts irregularly lobed at base: (b) irregularly pinnatifid or pinnatisect, well up to 15 or more segs, broadly ovate, 30-50-(100) × 15-30 cm. Lower segs about oblong, abruptly acuminate, 10-20 × 3 cm., widely decurrent at base. Terminal pinna up to 20 × 5 cm. Fertile lamina up to 40 × 30 cm.; pinnae rather distant, decurrent, stout, linear, spreading, up to 25 cm. long. Sori covering all but costa.
DIST.: N., S., St., A. Lowland to lower montane forest by stream-sides from lat. 37º southwards, rather local. Also Tasmania, Pacific Is to Philippine Is.
L. heterophylla Col. from "damp shaded woods, Ruatahuna; Jan. 1842" is represented in W by a sterile and a fertile frond. Sterile lamina 30 cm. × 15 cm., with 8 lateral pinnae; fertile 30 × 20 cm., with pinnae up to 16 cm. long.