Fumaria capreolata L.
rampant fumitory
Scrambling or climbing annual herb. Lvs distant; lamina dissected, pale green, up to 10 × 7 cm; segments narrow-oblong or narrow-cuneiform. Infl. dense, with up to 20 fls; rachis < peduncle. Peduncle 2-6-(8) cm long; bracts linear, acute, < pedicels, c. 2 × 0.5 mm; pedicels recurved in late flowering and fruiting, 4-6 mm long. Sepals ovate, dentate, subacute, (3)-4-6 × (1.5)-2-3 mm. Corolla creamy white with blackish red wings and tips, suffused with pink after pollination, 9-11 mm long; lower petal with erect margins. Fr. globose to obovoid, smooth, obscurely keeled, c. 2 × 2 mm; apex obtuse; apical pits small.
N.: Northland, Auckland, S. Auckland; S.: Canterbury (Huntsbury).
W. and C. Europe, Mediterranean, Caucasus 1935
Roadsides, hedgerows.
N.Z. specimens are referable to subsp. capreolata of mainland Europe, which differs from subsp. babingtonii (Pugsley) Sell of Britain and Ireland by its rounded frs 2 × 2 mm, broad sepals and short bracts.