Annual to perennial herbs; stems usually brittle; sap watery. Lvs alternate, dissected, exstipulate. Fls ⚥, zygomorphic, hypogynous, in lf-opposed bracteate racemes. Sepals 2, pale, caducous, peltate. Petals 4, in 2 dissimilar whorls; 1 or both outer petals spurred; inner pair often coherent. Stamens 2, 3-partite; filaments expanded and flattened at base. Ovary 1-locular; placentae 2, parietal, each with 1-many anatropous ovules. Fr. a dehiscent capsule or indehiscent nutlet; seeds with small embryo and copious endosperm.
16 genera, 400 spp., Europe, Asia, N. Africa and N. America.
The fls are transversely zygomorphic but the pedicel is twisted through 90° bringing the outer petals to the top and bottom of the fl. (hence these are called the upper and lower petals). The Fumariaceae are sometimes included in Papaveraceae as subfam. Fumarioideae. Frs of all spp. are illustrated in Fig. 71.
Fig. 71. Frs of Fumariaceae. A Corydalis lutea; B Fumaria bastardii; C F. capreolata; D F. densiflora; E F. muralis; F F. officinalis. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X5Y]