Usnea tenerior Nyl.
Type: New Zealand. Otago, Dunedin, W. Lauder Lindsay, H-NYL! Isotype in E!
Thallus fruticose, erect to somewhat straggling, 2-3(-5) cm long, rather fine and delicate, entangled, yellow to yellow-white or greenish, matt, distinctly faveolate or indented in basal parts, branching sympodial. Branches 1-1.5 mm wide at base, tapering towards apices, terete, inflated, articulate-cracked at joints, without isidia, soredia, papillae, tubercles or spinules. Apothecia crowded, terminal or subterminal, 2-3 mm diam., disc concave, densely white-pruinose, without ray-like branchlets at margins, or ray-like branchlets sparsely present, short, exciple deeply cupuliform, smooth or wrinkled. Ascospores 10 × 6-7 µm. Chemistry: Norstictic and usnic acids.
N: Wellington. S: Nelson to Southland. On native vegetation, lowland to subalpine. Still very much undercollected.