Usnea molliuscula Stirt.
Thallus fruticose, erect or pendent, 5-8(-10) cm tall, pale yellow or greenish-yellow, not richly branched, main stems conspicuous, secondary branches few or lacking, corticolous. Branches terete, 1-1.5(-2) mm diam., conspicuously inflated, cortex thin, densely papillate, with copious lateral fibrils at right angles to main branches, surface ± faveolate in parts, articulate-cracked at joints, rarely with annular cracking between joints, without isidia or soredia. Apothecia common, terminal or subterminal to 1 cm diam., disc concave at first then plane to subconvex-undulate, distinctly marginate, pale yellowish-green with a fine, white or yellowish or greenish pruina, margins with radiating, long, straight or flexuous ray-like branchlets, exciple shallowly faveolate. Ascospores 9 × 6 µm. Chemistry: Salazinic and usnic acids.
S: Canterbury (Lewis Pass area). Probably more widely distributed in Nothofagus forests, sharing a similar habitat to U. xanthophana from which it is distinguished by the more inflated primary branches, the fewer secondary branches, the thinner cortex, the rich development of lateral fibrils, the absence of annular cracking and salazinic acid (K+ red) in the medulla.