Usnea contexta Motyka
Type: New Zealand. Otago, Mt Maungatua. On dead Dracophyllum, 900 m. J.S. Thomson 1933, Herb. Motyka - not seen. Isotype in CHR.
Thallus decumbent, straggling, rarely fruticose or subpendulous, 10-15 cm long, soft, flaccid when moist, yellowish-green or yellowish-white, smooth and shining, matt, repeatedly dichotomously branching, terricolous. Branches divergent, irregularly curved, 1 mm wide, abruptly attenuate at apices, irregularly jointed, primary branches ± inflated or articulate at branch points, terete, slightly faveolate-impressed in basal parts, smooth, glabrous, occasionally indistinctly papillate, secondary branches rather few, without tubercles, isidia, soredia or spinules. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Fumarprotocetraric, protocetraric and usnic acids.
S: Nelson to Southland (Longwood Ra.). C: Alpine or subalpine, growing entangled in low vegetation or on soil in grassland, often with Alectoria nigricans. It is best developed in South I. east of the Main Divide and in some areas (e.g., at 2000 m on the Remarkables) it forms extensive swards on the ground forming a yellowish band visible from a great distance.