Callitriche stagnalis Scop.
C. verna auct. non L. emend. Lönnr. Obs. crit. Pl. suec. 1854, 17.
Stems slender, up to 3 dm. or more long in water, sparingly branched; shorter on mud. Lowest lvs about linear to narrow-lanceolate, ± retuse. Mid-lvs on short petioles; lamina thin, ± 4-10 × 2-4 mm., about spathulate, rounded to emarginate. Uppermost lvs c. 5-15 × 2-5 mm. or more, forming floating rosettes, obovate- to spathulate-oblong, on petioles c. 3 mm. long. ♂ in upper, ♀ in lower axils; bracts falcate, persistent. Fr. suborbicular, c. 1·5-1·6 mm. diam., pale; wing distinctly narrower than cell; commissural groove deep; seeds pale.
DIST.: N., S. Frequent in lowland still waters and on mud, throughout.
FL. 10-12. FT. 12-3.