Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Tropaeolum L.


Prostrate or scandent herbs. Roots sometimes tuberous. Fls mostly yellow to scarlet, sometimes blue or purplish. Fr. of 3 indehiscent carpels, never winged.


Lvs simple, peltate; sepals 15-22 mm long, pale orange
Lvs compound with 5 leaflets, not peltate; sepals 5-11 mm long, reddish green, becoming pink at fruiting
Distal part of calyx spur tapering; petals 5, exserted from calyx, the limb > 1 cm long
Distal part of calyx spur swollen; petals 2, included in calyx, the limb < 0.5 mm long

50-100 spp., America, from Mexico southwards, especially in the Andes. Naturalised spp. 3.

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