Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Hebe speciosa (R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.) Cockayne & Allan

H. speciosa (A. Cunn.) Ckn. et Allan in T.N.Z.I. 57, 1926, 14.

Veronica speciosa R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. in Bot. Mag. 63, 1836, sub t. 3461.

Type locality: South Head of Hokianga Harbour. Type: K, R. Cunningham, 1834.

Rounded shrub 1-2 m. tall. Branchlets stout, glab., length of internodes us. several × diam. Lvs 5-10 × 2∙5-5 cm., broad elliptic- to obovate-oblong, dark green, glossy, coriac. to almost fleshy; lf-bud with definite sinus, the glab. petiole sharply distinct from the pubescent-edged shoulder of the lamina-base; lamina obtuse, glab. except for minute pubescence when young above midrib and on cartilaginous margin, entire. Infls lateral, simple, us. exceeding lvs and to 3 cm. diam.; peduncle long and stout. Fls closely placed, pedicels 2-5 mm. long, exceeding the narrow ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes subacute, ciliolate. Corolla reddish magenta colour, tube c. 3 mm. long and equally broad, > calyx, lobes 5-6 mm. long, obtuse, ciliolate. Capsule to 6 × 4 mm., acute, glab., > 2 × calyx-lobes.

DIST.: N. Sea-cliffs south of Hokianga Head, Maunganui Bluff, Tongaporutu and Urenui. Also recorded from Port Nicholson, Lyall, but not now known growing naturally there. S. Pelorus Sound, Rutland, McMahon; still growing at Titirangi Bay.

FL. 1-10.

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