Colobanthus brevisepalus Kirk
Type locality: "Bald Hill Flat near Alexandra S. on sandy banks and slopes near Clutha River c. 800 ft. at Gorge Creek." Type: W, "Gorge Creek, Otago, 600ft. D. Petrie." Drawings for Kirk's t. 27 E were made from this material. Endemic.
Plant forming hard tight rigid cushion, often hemispherical, up to 8 cm. across, with many short stiff tightly-packed branches closely covered with lvs. Lvs firm, densely imbricated, incurved towards stem; sheath as long as blade but ± hidden; blade subulate, rounded on back, 2-3 mm. long, bluntly contracted into a distinct, us. long, acicular tip; neither border nor midrib evident. Peduncles short. Fls 3 mm. long; sepals 5, ± ovate, broader than lvs, with thickened midrib, ending in short acicular tip; capsule splitting barely to middle, = or > sepals when mature.
DIST.: S. Dry mountains on east side of divide from Marlborough southwards. Sea-coast near Tinwald (G. Bayliss, 1945).
FL. 10-11. FT. 12-1.