Leptospermum sinclairii Kirk
Type: W, Herb. Kirk, Hutton and Kirk.
Prostrate or straggling shrub up to 1 m. or more diam., or tall; branchlets, lvs, pedicels, receptacles ± white by investiture of sub-appressed to spreading silky hairs. Lvs ± 6-12 × 1·5-2 mm., linear-to oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate (on same plant), acute. Fls c. 5-7 mm. diam., solitary or in few-fld cymes; pedicels ± 4-5 mm. long. Receptacle turbinate, up to 3 mm. diam.; sepals ± 1·5 mm. long, ovate to triangular, persistent; petals white or pink-flushed, ± 2.5 mm. diam., obovate, shortly clawed. Ovary and capsule much exceeded by receptacle-rim; style very slender.
DIST.: N. Great Barrier Id, often forming extensive thickets.
Kirk remarks that the fls are "deliciously fragrant". Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 589) records it for the Three Kings. Oliver (Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 3, 1948, 228) refers Cheeseman's specimens to L. ericoides.
Advantage has been taken of the diversity of form and fl. colour found in wild plants to introduce many attractive "sports" into gardens. Hybrids have also been raised and propagated by cuttings. Most belong to the L. scoparium complex. Some of the better known forms are:
"Leonard Wilson" Cockayne (T.N.Z.I. 50, 1918, 179) gives a photograph of the original tree growing at Port Levy, Banks Peninsula. A number of plants have been raised from cuttings, and are very free-flowering, with "double" white petals. Cockayne also refers to other white "doubles", one from the Volcanic Plateau, and one from Torrent Bay, Nelson. "Doubles" with various shades of pink are also in cultivation.
"Boscowani" Petals deep rose.
"Chapmani" Petals crimson.
"Keatleyi" Petals with pink base and paler margins, fls up to 2 cm. or more diam. Varying depths of colour are found in individual plants.
"Martini" Petals a rich pink, fls up to 2 cm. or more diam.
"Nichollsi" Petals crimson, fls c. 1 cm. diam.; lvs small, dark coloured. At present the most frequently used form in gardens.
"roseum" A group with pale pink, mostly small, fls.
"Sandersii" Petals deep pink at base, paler towards margins.
"Walkeri" Fls parti-coloured, with basal colours white to deep pink.
"nanum" Petals white, red-flushed; plant dwarfed with dark lvs.
Lammerts (J. Calif. hort. Soc. 6, 1945, 250-257) crossed "Rose Double" (pale pink fls, semi-dwarf habit, ♂ parent) with "Nichollsi". Seven F 1 plants were brought to the flowering stage, all with single fls. Six had white or pale pink petals. The other was a dwarf with petals rose doree at the base and white beyond; stems and lvs with purple tint of "Nichollsi". The F 2 plants showed a remarkable range of fl. colour and size. Among the progeny now in cultivation are: 1. "Snow White"-compact dwarf with double white fls. 2. "Rose Red"-compact dwarf with purple stems and double carmine red fls. 3. "Ruby Glow"-tall compact shrub with dark purple stems and somewhat glossy lvs; fls "super double", "oxblood red with very large flowers". 4. "Pompom"-tall compact shrub; fls "super double", petals "rose doree red type with the color restricted to the base".