Metrosideros Banks ex Gaertn.
Fls in us. terminal cymes or racemes; receptacle adnate to ovary; sepals 5, imbricate; petals 5; stamens ∞, much > petals; filaments filiform, anthers versatile. Ovary 3-celled, style filiform, ovules ∞. Capsules coriac., loculicidally 3-valved, or dehiscence irregular; seeds linear. Aromatic shrubs, trees or woody lianes with simple, opp., gland-dotted, exstipulate lvs. Some 20 spp. of N.Z., Australia, Polynesia to Malaya―the N.Z. spp. endemic.
- A.
- Trees or shrubs
- 1.
- Capsules included:
- parkinsonii,umbellata
- 2.
- Capsules exserted
- (a)
- Plant at first an epiphyte:
- robusta
- (b)
- Plant not an epiphyte:
- excelsa,kermadecensis
- B.
Lvs of lanceolate order, ± 1-2 cm. wide; capsules 8-9 mm. long; receptacle silky-hairy; us. a tall tree
Lvs of ovate order, ± 2-3 cm. wide; capsules 6-7 mm. long; receptacle glab.; us. a straggling shrub
The nomenclature of the N.Z. spp. has been revised by Oliver (T.N.Z.I. 59, 1928, 419-423) and is followed here, with reduced synonymy.