Haloragis colensoi Skottsb.
Amplified description in Allan in T.R.S.N.Z. 69, 1939, 273.
Type: K, "938, Cercodia", Colenso.
Smooth, quite glab. subshrub, resembling H. masatierrana Skottsb. Lvs ovate to lanceolate, acute, cuneate at base, blade 10-15 mm. long or more, 6-8 mm. wide, clearly serrate with 5-7 teeth on each side, borne on a petiole 3-4 mm. long. Fls subsessile. Achenes ovoid-conical, 2·9-3·3 mm. long (including the sepals) and 1·7-2 mm. in diam., tetragonous, smooth, but in the lower half transversely tuberculate-rugose, without wings or furnished with 4 narrow triangular wings, small and even insignificant, placed below the middle. Other characters unknown. New Zealand, North Island (Colenso in herb. Kew); in Puketoi Hills [Mt. Oporae, near Weber] commun. H. H. Allan.
DIST.: Type locality: "N. Zealand".
The description given above is a rather literal translation from the Latin of Skottsberg's "fuller diagnosis" (in Allan loc. cit.). The relationship of H. colensoi to H. erecta is discussed above under the latter sp.