Haloragis J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Fls hermaphrodite, often strongly protandrous (? unisexual), axillary, solitary or in clusters, subtended by bracteoles and lfy bracts. Calyx-lobes 4-2, free; petals 4-2, cucullate; stamens caducous, 4, or 8 in two whorls, filaments short, anthers broad-linear; ovary 4- to 1-celled, styles 4-2, short, stigmas papillose or plumose; fr. small, ind., often winged or ribbed, sts woody, crowned by persistent calyx-lobes. Us. perennial herbs, sts partly woody; lvs opp. or alt. orbicular to lanceolate, entire, toothed, or lobed. About 70 spp.; Southern Hemisphere and extending to S. E. Asia; in N.Z. on banks and disturbed areas, gumlands and peat. Of the 7 N.Z. spp. probably all but one are endemic.
Fig. 11. HALORAGIS. Fruits (H. colensoi after Skottsberg, Fig. 17h.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X0T]