Lindsaea viridis Colenso
L. trichomanoides Dryand.? (fide Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 2, 1855, 19).
The N.Z. plant referred to L. microphylla Swartz Syn. Fil. 1806, 120, by Hook. et Baker Synopsis Fil. 1873, 110.
Type locality: "on wet rocks in stony ravine, in the dense forest between Tauranga and Rotorua, E. Coast. Jan., 1842." Type: W, "Deep glens, dense woods, near Tauranga, Jan., 1842. W.C." Endemic.
Rhizome short, ascending, very densely clad in narrow attenuate brown paleae; stipites tufted to closely approximate, paleate at base. Stipes 3-10 cm. long, slender, flexuous, often drooping, dark brown, shining. Rhachis very slender, flexuous. Lamina tripinnate or bipinnate with the secondary pinnae pinnatisect to pinnatifid, linear-to narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, submembr., pale green, 8-35 × 2-5 cm. Primary pinnae about oblong, 2-3 cm. × 15-20 mm., alt. Secondary pinnae entire to 2-lobed, c. 5 × 2-3 mm. (sts up to 1 cm. long), narrowly obdeltoid, us. not confluent; veins simple or forked. Tertiary pinnae or final segs similar to secondary. Sori often occurring on every seg., extending along upper margin. Indusium broad, delicate.
DIST.: N., S. Lowland to montane forest, rather local, us. in damp places by streamsides; mainly west of divide in S.