Mimulus repens R.Br.
Glabrous, mat-forming herb; stems usually prostrate, rarely erect, succulent, rooting at nodes. Lvs sessile, amplexicaul, usually 2-7 × 1-5 mm, ± broadly ovate-oblong, entire, punctate, ± succulent. Fls on short ascending branches, solitary in lf axils; pedicels 2-3-(7) mm long. Calyx (2)-3.5-6 mm long, < corolla tube, broad-funnelform; apex truncate, minutely toothed. Corolla 10-15 mm long, moderately 2-lipped, light purple, sometimes appearing bleached, red-spotted, with yellow open throat; lower lip bearded; lobes shallow, broader than long. Capsule 6.5 mm long, broadly cylindric.
N.; S.: mainly coastal.
Salt marshes, dune slacks and similar swampy saline or brackish places.
FL Oct-Mar.