Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Cucurbita L.


Annual or perennial herbs, usually monoecious, with scabrid, scandent or prostrate, running, ± succulent stems. Rootstock not tuberous. Tendrils usually branched. Lvs simple, mostly lobed, scabrid or hairy. Fls solitary, usually axillary, large. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla yellow; lobes 5, extending to c. 1/2 way. Stamens 3; filaments free; anthers united, contorted. ♀ fls similar to ♂ but usually larger and fewer; staminodes 3, rudimentary. Ovary 3-locular, less commonly 5-locular; placentae 3-5; ovules numerous; stigmas 3-(5), 2-lobed. Fr. (pepo) large, variously shaped, indehiscent, consisting of an outer rind and soft ± pulpy interior, with central mass often breaking away from outer wall at maturity and forming a loose fibrous internal ball, with the rind then very hard and shell-like; peduncle persistent, sometimes strongly accrescent. Seeds numerous, flattened, usually white or pale brown, more rarely black; margin often raised.


Fr. rind mottled green and white; seed dark brown or black
Fr. rind variously coloured, not mottled although sometimes of 2 colours; seed white or cream
Fruiting peduncles hard, 5-ribbed, not expanded except sometimes at apex; fr. usually oblong, if spherical then with scalloped margins or < 12 cm diam.
Fruiting peduncles rather soft, ± terete, usually expanded and thickened along whole length; fr. generally ± spherical or rounded and flattened, > 20 cm diam., with margin not scalloped

c. 20 spp., probably only America. Naturalised spp. 3.

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