Lampranthus glaucus (L.) N.E.Br.
Bushy shrublet. Stems decumbent, glabrous, terete, reddish brown when young, grey with age; branches erect. Lvs glaucous distally, green at base, reddish on margins and keel, papillate with small reddish dots, 3-angled, narrowly triangular, acute, broadest at shortly connate lf-base, 14-16 × c. 5 mm, c. 4 mm thick; keel crenulate distally. Fls solitary, 45-60 mm diam. Calyx glabrous; sepals 10 mm long. Petals spreading, golden yellow above, lemon yellow beneath without median stripe, 15-30 mm long. Stamens 2-6 mm long; filaments yellow, glabrous; anthers pale yellow. Capsule c. 1 cm diam. Seeds orange-brown, obovoid, rugulose, c. 1 mm long.
S.: Nelson (Pakawau Beach), Banks Peninsula (Church Bay).
South Africa 1981
Dry coastal cliff face.
FL Sep-Oct FT Jan-Dec.
L. glaucus was first recorded from N.Z. as Lampranthus sp.