Ammobium alatum
ζ*Ammobium alatum R. Br. ζ*, winged everlasting daisy, has been collected once on a roadside, Motukarara, Banks Peninsula. An erect perennial herb c. 50 cm tall; stems 4-winged, tomentose; lvs apetiolate, up to c. 20 × 3 cm, oblanceolate, entire, sparsely tomentose on upper surface, densely so below; infl. a corymb; capitula c. 2 cm diam.; involucral bracts membranous, white; florets ⚥, yellow, subtended by scales; pappus a membranous cup 0.5 mm long. The sp. is cultivated and the capitula dried for floral arrangements. (Queensland, N.S.W., 1988).