Euphrasia laingii Petrie
Type locality: Craigie-burn Mts. Type: W, 4850, D. Petrie.
Perennial herb much-branched from woody stock; stems woody at base, often prostrate and rooting in lower parts, branches erect, 8-15-(20) cm. tall, bifariously pubescent. Lvs sessile, us. rather distant, ± ascending, 6-12-(15) × 3-6-(8) mm., narrow-cuneate to cuneate-obovate or -oblong, 3-lobed at tip with narrow lateral lobes and broad, obtuse to subacute central lobe, sts incisions very shallow, glab., us. reddish when fresh, margins thickened and recurved. Fls up to 6 pairs in short or elongated raceme; pedicels up to 10 mm. long, sts > lvs. Calyx 6-12 mm. long, glab. or sparsely pubescent at very base, ± unevenly divided 1/4-⅓ way; lobes acute to obtuse, margins and midribs thickened and sts reddish. Corolla white, 15-20 mm. long, 10-15 mm. diam.; tube > calyx; lobes of lower lip c. 4-6 mm. wide, emarginate. Anthers red-brown, marginal hairs ∞, awns us. unequal. Capsule < calyx, ± 6-9 × 3-4 mm., oblong to narrow-oblong or -obovate, glab. or sparsely setose; seeds ∞, 1·5-2 mm. long.
DIST.: S. Montane to subalpine open places on the drier mountains of Marlborough and Canterbury.
FL. 12-2-(4). FT. 1-(4).
Rather variable in the northern part of its range and sts not clearly distinct from E. monroi. In W are specimens from Amuri with 5-toothed lvs labelled by Petrie "E. laingii var. " Specimens from Mt. Owen, Nelson, in Herb. Cheeseman (A) with broadly 3-5-lobed lvs may be correctly placed here also, but the stouter perennial spp. of western Nelson are very poorly known. Some forms found in Marlborough have small, almost entire lvs, and slender plants collected in the Tararua Range, North Id (BD 86348, Park Valley, A. P. Druce, Feb. 1956) are very similar.