Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Mimulus repens R.Br.

M. repens R. Br. Prodr. 1810, 439.

Type: Australian.

Glab. herb with succulent branching creeping stems rooting at the nodes, c. 15 cm. long. Branches and branchlets short, ascending. Lvs sessile, amplexicaul, ± 4-7 × 3-5 mm., ± broadly ovate-oblong, obtuse, entire, ± succulent. Fls few, solitary on very short stalks. Calyx < corolla-tube, broad-funnelform, minutely toothed at truncate apex. Corolla ± 6-12 mm. diam., white with yellow throat, tube flaring above, lobes oblong. Capsule broad-cylindric, ± 6·5 mm. long, included in slightly enlarged calyx.

DIST.: N., S. Coastal damp sands, marshy ground and meadows from near North Cape southwards.

FL. 10-1. FT. 12-3.

Kirk (T.N.Z.I. 3, 1871, 179) describes his M. colensoi as: "A small erect herb, 3 to 6 inches high, glabrous in all its parts. Leaves oblong, sessile, scrobiculate, succulent, entire. Flowers solitary, on short axillary peduncles. Calyx tubular, contracted just below the mouth, irregularly 5-toothed, corolla very large, pure white with yellow throat, lower lip much produced, entire, capsule ovate-acuminate.

"Allied to M. repens, from which it differs in its unbranched erect habit and scrobiculate leaves. In marshes, Onehunga. I have great pleasure in naming this pretty plant after Mr. Colenso, who appears to have been its original discoverer."

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