Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Drosera stenopetala Hook.f.

D. stenopetala Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1852, 19, t. 9.

Type locality: Preservation Point. Type: K, Lyall. Varies considerably in size according to habitat conditions.

Stock short, invested with remains of lf-bases. Lvs exstipulate, narrow-spathulate; petioles glab., up to 5 cm. long, lamina up to 2 cm. × 5 mm., clad in stalked glandular hairs. Peduncle solitary, glab., up to 20 cm. long, one-fld. Sepals connate into 5-lobed calyx; lobes 3·5 mm. long, rounded. Petals white, cuneate-obovate, up to 1 cm. long. Style branches 3, multifid. Capsule 7 mm. long.

DIST.: N., S., St., A., C. Montane to subalpine bogs from lat. 40° southwards, descending to sea level in southern part of range.

FL.- FT. 11-3.

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