Drosera auriculata Backh. ex Planch.
D. circinervia Col. in T.N.Z.I. 26, 1894, 314.
D. stylosa Col. in T.N.Z.I. 28, 1896, 593.
Type locality: near Sydney, N.S.W., Backhouse.
Stock slender, up to 5 cm. long, arising from small tuber. Stems slender, erect, flexuous, glab., up to 30 cm. or more long, often sub- scandent. Basal lvs rosulate; petioles flat, up to 10 mm. long; lamina orbicular, 3 mm. diam., or lvs reduced to scales. Cauline lvs alt.; petiole filiform, up to 15 mm. long; lamina peltate-lunate, pubescent, with marginal stalked glandular hairs. Peduncle simple, up to 10 cm. long; pedicels erect or ascending, ± 5 mm. long; bracts linear. Sepals elliptic- ovate, entire to erose, up to 5 mm. long; petals rose, obovate, up to 8 mm. long. Style branches 3, dichotomously divided, segs dilated. Capsule ± 2 mm. diam.; seeds minute.
DIST.: N., S. Lowland to lower montane grassland, open shrubland and boggy ground to lat. 44°.
FL. 9-12. FT. 10-1.
I have not found adequate material at K or W to make a satisfactory treatment of the 9 spp. described by Colenso and therefore make extracts from his accounts.
D. atra Col. in T.N.Z.I. 31, 1899, 269. "Plant small, perennial, erect, 1 in. high, bearing 7-8 leaves; rootstock thick, bushy . . . wholly blackish save corolla. Leaves radical, sub 1 in. long, spathulate, limb 4-5 lines long . . . glands long and dark . . . Scape erect, slender, bare, 1-flowered. Calyx lobes cut one-third length, large, broad, truncate, margins of tips serrulate-crenulate. Corolla white, twice as long as sepals. Stigmas large, tuberculate . . . Ruahine Mountain-range, east side, wet spots near summits; 1898; Mr. A. Olsen." Based on a single specimen.
D. circinervia Col. in T.N.Z.I. 26, 1894, 314. Said to differ from D. auriculata in "lower leaves . . . not peltate with long petioles . . . largely laciniate margins of its leaves, their greatly extended angles, and their peculiar orbicular venation . . . open lands; Taupo: 1885".
D. flagellifera Col. in T.N.Z.I. 23, 1891, 384. "Plants small, slender, gregarious, perennial . . . Leaves . . . radical, erect, 11/2 in.-2 in. long, scarcely 1 line wide, linear, very acuminate, forked, often twice forked . . . Petiole slender, 2 in.-3 in. long . . . Scape very slender, 8 in.-10 in. high. Flowers at top, 9-12 in a small branched cyme of 2-4 branchlets . . . pedicels . . . with a long linear bracteole . . . Calyx half as long as corolla . . . Corolla 8 lines diameter . . . Styles 5 (or more) much-branched and forked . . . Margins of streamlets, low open grounds, south of Dannevirke . . . December 1890: W. C. (Apparently very local) . . . allied to D. binata, Lab. (an Australian plant)."
D. ligulata Col. in T.N.Z.I. 31, 1899, 269 "Plant . . . 1 in.-11/2 in. high . . . Leaves radical, few . . . linear, 9-10 lines long, 1/10 in. wide . . . knobbed on upper surface, and shining . . . Scape erect, slender . . . 1-flowered . . . Calyx longer than corolla . . . Styles 3, stout; stigmas largely suborbicular . . . Ovary large, broadly oblong, longer than calyx, shining . . . Ruahine Mountain-range, in low-lying wet spots; 1898: Mr. A. Olsen . . . A species having affinity with D. polyneura."
D. minutula Col. in T.N.Z.I. 21, 1889, 81. " A very small stemless species of close gregarious habit . . . Leaves reddish-brown, rosulate, crowded (8-20) in 2-3 rows . . . the whole plant 1/3 in.-1/2 in. (rarely 3/4 in.) in diameter; leaf with petiole about 3 lines long, the lamina 1 line long, orbicular and sub-orbicular-spathulate . . . petioles 2 lines long . . . largely winged at bases . . . Flowers solitary, sometimes two together . . . Scape erect, ⅓ in. high . . . with a small subulate bracteole near the top . . . Calyx . . . 1 line long . . . blackish . . . lobes 5, cut half-way to base . . . each lobe 5-toothed at tip . . . on sides near the top of Mount Tongariro . . . hidden among low herbage and mosses; 1887: Mr. H. Hill." Colenso compares it with D. pygmaea.
D. polyneura Col. in T.N.Z.I. 22, 1890, 460. "Plant . . . 1 in.-21/2 in. high . . . Leaves of two forms . . . outer leaves narrow oblong-ovate . . . with petiole 1 in.-11/2 in. long, 4 lines wide . . . petiole very broad, sub 3 lines . . . inner leaves longer, linear, 11/2 lines wide, erect. Scape erect, 11/2-2 in. long . . . 1-flowered, with a long linear basal leaf (or bract) 3/4 in.-1 in. long . . . Corolla 4 lines diam. . . . pale yellowish-white . . . Styles 4 . . . stigmas large, globose, fimbriate . . . Swampy spots, base of Mount Tongariro . . . 1889; Mr. H. Hill . . . near ally D. arcturi."
D. ruahinensis Col. in T.N.Z.I. 28, 1896, 593. "Plant . . . 2 in. high . . . Leaves . . . of two forms, ovate-acuminate, and broadly orbicular-spathulate . . . Scape 1/4 in.-1/2 in. . . . longer than leaves, filiform, naked. Flower solitary, small, 3 lines long . . . Stamens flat, broad . . . Styles 3 . . . stigmas large . . . Ruahine Mountain-range: Mr. H. Hill, 1895; Mr. A. Olsen, 1895 . . . a species having affinity with D. arcturi Hook., and D. polyneura Col. . . . but differing from both in several grave characters."
D. stylosa Col. in T.N.Z.I. 28, 1896, 593. Said to differ from D. auriculata "in its branched stem (in number and position of stem leaves), in bracteolate raceme, in broad laciniate sepals, and in its very peculiar styles". The styles are thus described: "Styles 3, stout, spreading, much branched at top; branches flattish, with numerous minute terminal and marginal globular dots . . . Ruahine Mountain-range, east side: Mr. H. Hill; 1895."
D. triflora Col. in T.N.Z.I. 22, 1890, 461. "A small stemless species . . . Leaves . . . orbicular, 2 lines diameter, red (as also glands) . . . glands very large . . . stipules large . . . tips bifid and much and sharply laciniate . . . Scapes rather stout (for plant), the main (or central) one 3/4 in. long, erect, bearing at top 3 flowers (rarely 2) . . . other scapes axillary . . . 1-flowered . . . Calyx dark-red . . . Corolla (damaged) whitish, small, extending but little beyond calyx . . . Swampy spots, base of Mount Tongariro . . . 1899: Mr. H. Hill."