Campanula poscharskyana Degen
Perennial, with numerous, long, trailing stems, often forming a loose mat. Basal lvs with petiole to c. 20 cm long. Lamina 3-6 × 2.5-5 cm, broad-ovate, almost glabrous, 2-serrate and ciliate; base cordate; uppermost lvs smaller, with short petioles. Fls declined, horizontal, or suberect, many in a ± secund, narrow, racemose infl.; pedicels to 20 mm long, glabrous or glabrate; bracts and bracteoles ciliate. Calyx 6-8 mm long; lobes narrow-lanceolate, ± purple, with 2-4, glandular, ciliate teeth. Corolla c. 1.5 cm long, very broadly funnelform; lobes deep, lanceolate-elliptic, soon reflexed, bluish mauve. Stigmas 3. Mature capsule not seen, turbinate.
N.: a few coastal localities, especially around Wellington; S.: Governor's Bay (Banks Peninsula).
Coastal Yugoslavia, Dalmatia 1988
An occasional escape from cultivation.
FL Jan-Dec.
C. poscharskyana is commonly planted as ground cover on steep banks and retaining walls and it often grows vigorously in such places and may spread vegetatively, particularly in moist, sheltered areas.
The related C. portenschlagiana is also indigenous to the western region of Yugoslavia (see under key).