Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Campanula L.


Annual or biennial, but mostly perennial herbs, often tufted, sometimes rhizomatous, commonly with basal rosette lvs differing from the alternate cauline lvs. Fls solitary or in spikes, racemes or loose panicles, usually 5-merous. Calyx tube ovoid to globose; lobes flat or folded, sometimes with appendages at sinus. Corolla usually campanulate, sometimes tubular or rotate, mostly blue, toothed or lobed but not split near base. Filaments usually dilated towards base; anthers free. Ovary 3-5-celled; style clavate, without disc at base; stigmas 3-5, filiform, often blue or mauve. Capsule ovoid to turbinate, dehiscing by lateral or basal pores or valves, ± ribbed, pendent or erect.


Biennial with simple taproot and erect stem; calyx with large reflexed appendages between teeth
Perennials with slender rhizomes or trailing aerial stems; calyx without appendages
Main cauline lvs linear to narrow-lanceolate
Main cauline lvs ovate or ovate-lanceolate
Stems erect; fls ± nodding
Stems prostrate; fls erect to horizontal
Plant fairly compact; corolla campanulate
Plant diffuse with long trailing stems; corolla broadly funnelform

c. 300 spp., temperate N. Hemisphere and tropical montane regions, especially in the mountains around the Mediterranean. Naturalised spp. 5.

Fls of the fully naturalised spp. are illustrated in Fig. 47.

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