Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Xanthium L.


Annual herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire to serrate or lobed. Capitula unisexual, sessile or shortly pedunculate, solitary, terminal and in panicles or racemes, or clustered in axils. ♂ capitula ± globose; involucral bracts in 1 row; receptacle conic; scales present; corolla tubular. ♀ capitula ovoid; involucral bracts in 2 rows, the outer small and free, the inner connate, prickly and ending in 1-2 beaks containing the 2 florets; corolla 0. Achenes all similar, ovoid, enclosed within the expanded prickly involucre; pappus 0.


Lvs sessile or shortly petiolate, with stout axillary spines; lamina obtuse to cuneate at base, white or grey with dense tomentum on lower surface; beaks of expanded fruiting involucre 1-2, inconspicuous, 0.5-1 mm long
Lvs long-petiolate, spineless; lamina cordate or truncate at base, green with scattered hairs on lower surface; beaks of expanded fruiting involucre 2, conspicuous, 4-6 mm long

2 spp., N. temperate regions, C. and S. America. Naturalised spp. 2.

Recent European and American Floras follow the biosystematic study of Xanthium by Löve, D. and Dansereau, P., Canad. J. Bot. 37 : 173-208 (1959), which accepted only 2 spp. This approach is also adopted here. Both spp. are troublesome weeds as the prickly burs catch in wool causing discomfort to stock and decreasing fleece quality.

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