Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Heliantheae Cass.


Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, not usually strongly scented, lacking latex. Lvs usually opposite, at least below, sometimes alternate. Involucral bracts in 1-few rows, at least the outer usually foliaceous. Receptacle usually with scales, rarely without. Capitula usually ⚥, rarely unisexual, sometimes homomorphic-discoid but usually heteromorphic with 1 row of ligulate ray florets and numerous actinomorphic disc florets. Anthers not tailed. Style branches each with 2 stigmatic lines. Achenes homomorphic or heteromorphic, with 0-10 ribs or 0-4 wings, terete or compressed; pappus of scales or awns (sometimes barbed), or reduced to a corona or 0.


Lower and mid cauline lvs mostly opposite, the uppermost lvs sometimes alternate, rarely most lvs basal
All lvs alternate
Capitula unisexual; involucre of ♀ capitula connate to form a cup-like structure
Capitula ⚥; involucral bracts free, or fused only at base
Involucral bracts in only 1 row, or in 2 distinct rows and clearly dimorphic (the outer usually foliaceous, the inner membranous)
Involucral bracts in 2-several rows, not clearly dimorphic, but the outer often more foliaceous and the inner more membranous
Outermost involucral bracts glabrous, with simple hairs, or with sessile glandular hairs
Outermost involucral bracts with conspicuous, stalked, glandular hairs and often also simple hairs
Achenes strongly compressed, with winged lateral angles (evident at flowering)
Achenes compressed or square in section, but never winged
Achenes attenuated at apex into a long beak (evident at flowering)
Achenes broad at apex or narrowed below a disc, but not attenuated
Annual or taprooted perennial; pappus of 2-5 conspicuous retrorsely barbed awns
Tuberous perennial; pappus usually 0, sometimes of 2 rudimentary awns
Involucral bracts in 2 rows; outer bracts usually 5, spreading; scales present over whole receptacle, free
Involucral bracts in 1 row, usually > 5, enfolding outer florets and achenes; receptacular scales in a single row, united to form a cup-like structure between ray and disc florets
Ligules white to reddish or purple; capitula generally < 1 cm diam.; pappus of > 10, persistent, conspicuous scales
Ligules yellow; capitula generally much > 1 cm diam.; pappus of 0-5 readily caducous scales, or reduced to short corona
Uppermost lvs usually alternate; achenes compressed laterally
Uppermost lvs opposite; achenes compressed dorsally or square in section
Capitula unisexual; inner involucral bracts of ♀ capitula united to form a prickly case around the florets and achenes; stems spinous or not
Capitula ⚥; involucral bracts free or fused only at base, not prickly; stems spineless
Lvs decurrent; receptacle without scales, setae or hairs; ligules yellow
Lvs at most amplexicaul; receptacle with scales or setae; ligules yellow, orange, red, purple or sometimes bicoloured
Receptacle conic; achenes glabrous; pappus a small corona or 0
Receptacle convex to subglobose; achenes hairy; pappus of 5-10, often aristate scales

209 genera, c. 2500 spp., cosmopolitan, but mostly N., C. and northern S. America.

The Heliantheae is one of the largest and most diverse tribes in the Asteraceae. The treatment provided here follows Stuessy, T. F., in Heywood et al. (op. cit.). Stuessy accepted the dismemberment of polyphyletic Helenieae, given tribal status in many previous works; he included within the Heliantheae the subtribes Bahiinae and Gaillardiinae from the Helenieae.

Many Heliantheae are grown for their showy capitula and have established in the wild as escapes from cultivation. Other genera provide cosmopolitan weeds with barbed or spinous frs for dispersal. Characters of the involucral bracts and achenes are important in identification.

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