Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Parsonsia capsularis var. rosea (Raoul) Cockayne

Var. rosea (Raoul) Ckn. in Rep. Scen. Pres. N.Z. 1915, 3.

P. rosea Raoul in Ann. Sci. nat. Sèr. 3, 2, 1844, 118.

Type locality: Akaroa "ad sylvrum margines." Type: P, Raoul.

Robust liane up to c.8 m. tall, much-branched; branchlets slender, ± pubescent. Lvs on pubescent petioles up to ± 6 mm. long. Lamina subcoriac., linear to narrow-oblong to lanceolate, often widest at base and gradually tapering to apex; (3)-6-8-(10) cm. × (2)-3-5-(10) mm.; base truncate to subcordate to cuneately narrowed; apex ± acute, sts apiculate (an occ. lamina obtuse to retuse); margins mostly entire or mostly rather coarsely lobulate (us. on separate plants). Fls ± 5-6 mm. long, in lax subpaniculate cymes up to c.10 cm. long; bracts sts foliaceous, us. small; peduncles and pedicels pubescent. Calyx deeply cut; lobes narrow ovate-lanceolate, ± = corolla-tube. Corolla rose to dark red, lobes narrow-ovate to almost linear, acute. Stamens exserted; anthers acute at apex, sagittate at base. Follicles up to ± 12 cm. × 5 mm.

DIST.: S. Common on Port Hills and Banks Peninsula.

Further distribution needs closer study. Very similar forms occur throughout S. west of divide. Dark-fld plants with lvs of somewhat similar lf-form occur sporadically in N. from about lat. 37º southwards, e.g. Waimarino, Thames, Wellington.

Raoul's illustration (Choix 1846, t. 21) shows a spray with ± sinuate, entire lvs. In the type locality this form appears to hybridize freely with the lobulate-lvd form.

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