Hebe colensoi (Hook.f.) Cockayne var. colensoi
Type locality: "Ruahine mountains" (sic). Lectotype: K, Colenso 4062, "high stony ridge above the River Taruarau".
Lvs rarely > 2.5 × 1 cm., considerably reduced in exposed sites, ± obovate or elliptic, almost or quite entire in adult plant.
DIST.: N. Inland Patea, "from the head of the Taruarau River to the face of the northern Ruahine and from the Kaweka Range to the Moawhango River" (N. L. Elder). Cliffs of river valleys.
FL. 8-11-(12).
The type is a fruiting specimen with simple racemes and mostly entire lvs to 2.5 × 1 cm.