Navarretia squarrosa (Eschsch.) Hook. & Arn.
Californian stinkweed
Erect, viscid, foetid annual; stems to c. 40 cm high, branched from near base, glandular-hairy. Lvs rather ephemeral, the plant soon composed solely of a number of branches terminating in dense infls. Lamina of basal lvs to c. 8 cm long, finely dissected, with a central rachis bearing a number of filiform to linear pinnae; pinnae sometimes with 1-2 teeth. Bracts to c. 2 cm long, pinnately divided; pinnae linear, with apex and lobes spiny. Calyx 1-1.5 cm long; lobes < 1/2 length of tube, narrow-lanceolate, spine-tipped. Corolla scarcely > calyx, blue, broadly funnelform; lobes 2-3 mm long, narrow-elliptic to oblong. Stamens included. Capsule 4-5 mm long. Seeds 9-10 mm long, irregular, ± oblong, dark brown or blackish.
N.; S.: N. Auckland to Southland, widespread and sometimes abundant, especially in eastern areas; Ch.
W. North America 1871
Open sites, especially on gravel, waste places, poor pastures, roadsides, riverbeds and lakesides from sea level to c. 700 m.
FL Nov-Apr.
Californian stinkweed has previously been known in N.Z. as Gilia squarrosa.