Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Nicotiana L.


Unarmed annual or perennial herbs, occasionally shrubs, usually strongly glandular-viscid. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or nearly so, petiolate; basal lvs much larger than upper and often forming rosettes. Infl. a terminal panicle of open cymes, its branches well-developed, sometimes cymes elongated and appearing racemose. Fls usually pedicellate, sometimes nocturnal and then usually fragrant and pale. Calyx 5-toothed, tubular to subglobose, usually irregular, accrescent. Corolla salverform, funnelform or campanulate, white, pink, shades of red, or yellow, 5-lobed, sometimes oblique. Stamens 5, subequal, usually included. Stigma usually capitate, more rarely lobed. Fr. a capsule with 2 or 4 valves. Seeds small, numerous.


Shrub; lvs glabrous and glaucous
Herbs; lvs hairy and green
Infl. a false raceme, the cymes nearly sessile on main rachis; corolla salverform
Infl. a much-branched, open panicle; corolla funnelform-campanulate
Infl. many-flowered, dense; calyx teeth short-acuminate; corolla tube fusiform, white
Infl. few-flowered, loose; calyx teeth long-subulate; corolla tube usually cylindric, widest towards apex, white, purplish, crimson or rose
Corolla tube 7-12 cm long, narrow-cylindric; lobes equal
Corolla tube < 9 cm long, cylindric to fusiform; lobes subequal
Corolla pale greenish outside, white inside; tube 7-9 cm long
Corolla rose, crimson or purplish, very rarely whitish; tube < 7 cm long
Lvs sessile and amplexicaul or the lower with winged petioles; corolla lobes pink
Lvs all with wingless petioles; corolla lobes greenish yellow

60 spp., mostly tropical America, some in Australia and 1 extending E. to tropical Polynesia. Naturalised spp. 6 and 1 cultivated hybrid.

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