Calystegia marginata R.Br.
Rhizome creeping, branching; stems slender, branching, twining, glab., up to ± 2 m. long. Lvs on slender petioles up to c. 5 cm. long; lamina 2.5-7·5 cm. long, sagittate, acute to acuminate; basal lobes acute, divergent, often again toothed or lobed. Peduncles narrowly winged; bracts bluntly ovate, > subequal broad-ovate obtuse sepals. Corolla white, c. 12 mm. diam.; ovary imperfectly 2-loculed. Capsule globose, seeds us. 4.
DIST.: N. Lowland, rather rare and local, Mangonui County to Thames.
FL. 11-3. FT. 1-4. Also in eastern Australia.