Calystegia tuguriorum (G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Hook.f.
Convolvulus tuguriorum Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 14.
Type: P? Also in Valdivia, Chiloe, Masafuera.
Rhizome creeping, branched; stems slender, branched, high-climbing, or prostrate in absence of support, glab. to puberulous. Lvs membr., on slender petioles up to c. 4 cm. long; lamina broadly ovate-cordate to deltoid, acute to acuminate, (1)-2-4 × (1·5)-2-3-(4) cm., entire or sinuate; sinus broad, shallow. Peduncles terete or sts very narrowly winged; bracts ovate-cordate to suborbicular, apiculate, = subequal, broad-ovate, obtuse to subacute or sts apiculate sepals. Corolla (2.5)-4-5 cm. diam., white to pink. Ovary imperfectly 2-loculed; capsule ± 8 mm. long, broad-ovoid, apiculate. Seeds yellowish red.
DIST.: Three Kings, N., S., St., Ch. Common in lowland areas, except St. where apparently rare.
FL. 11-2. FT. 12-4. Type locality:?
Cockayne and Allan (Ann. Bot., Lond. 48, 1934, 39) record, with doubt, C. soldanella × tuguriorum.
C. truncatella Col. in T.N.Z.I. 21, 1889, 95. After a detailed description of specimens collected on "Banks of streamlets and edges of woods, Seventy-mile Bush, south of Dannevirke, County of Waipawa; 1887-88: W.C.", Colenso remarks: "This plant is nearly allied to C. tuguriorum Forst., but differs . . . in several characters, the more striking being its much larger size and spreading climbing habit, its differently shaped leaves ["undulate, sub-orbicular-cordate"] with their remarkable truncated bases and broad basal lobes, its double row of large calycine bracts, round-topped sepals, obtuse anthers, large globular capsule ["5 lines long, 4-5 lines diameter"], and big red seeds ["1/6 in. long"]."
The specimens at K have undulate laminae, the sinus narrow, rather deep, the basal lobes broadly rounded.