Myriophyllum L.
Fls hermaphrodite and strongly protandrous, or unisexual with ♂ above ♀; solitary in lf axils, subtended by bracteoles. Calyx-lobes 4 or 0, free; petals 4 or 0, cucullate, glab.; stamens 8 or 4, anthers linear; ovary 4-celled, styles 4, short, stigmas papillose or plumose. Fr. small, separating into 2-4 1-seeded mericarps. Glab. herbs of water and wet places; lvs opp., alt., or whorled, entire, toothed, or pinnately divided, submerged lvs often with capillary segs. About 40 spp., cosmopolitan. Of the 5 N.Z. spp. 2 are endemic.
Upper lvs gradually becoming narrower and simpler, the uppermost finally linear; bracteoles triangular, minutely serrulate
Upper lvs becoming broader, often rather abruptly, the uppermost ovate-oblong and us. entire; bracteoles lanceolate, definitely toothed