Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Racosperma paradoxum (DC.) Mart.

*R. paradoxum (DC.) C. Martius, Hort. Reg. Monac.  (1835)

kangaroo acacia

Shrub or small tree up to 3 m high; twigs furrowed, moderately hairy. Lvs reduced to phyllodes, alternate; phyllodes glabrous or sparsely hairy, ovate, asymmetric, usually shortly mucronate, entire, (5)-10-18-(20) × 2-8 mm, with one prominent vein; stipules usually spinescent, 3-10 mm long, sometimes membranous, triangular, 1-2 mm long. Infl. of many-flowered, axillary, golden, globose heads; heads usually solitary, occasionally paired or in small clusters; peduncles c. 10-15 mm long. Fls 5-merous, sessile. Pod usually villous, straight or curved, 40-50-(60) × 3-4 mm; aril with 2-4 folds, thickened below seed.

N.: common N. of Auckland City, Whale Id, local in Waikato and Manawatu; S.: collected once from Rapaura, Marlborough.

E. and W. Australia 1911

Waste places, scrubland, forest margins.

FL Jul-Oct.

Kangaroo acacia has been previously known in N.Z. as Acacia armata and A. paradoxa.

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