Epilobium macropus Hook.
type: "Running water, on sand: mountains, Wairau, near Nelson, southern island, New Zealand, Mr. Bidwill (n. 20)", K.
Stems slender, branching from near base, up to 25 cm. long, creeping and rooting in lower part, ascending in upper part, purplish. Branchlets ± bifariously pubescent, sts evenly so. Lvs opp., rather distant, on slender petioles up to ± 4 mm. long; lamina (6)-10-15-(20) × 4-10 mm., ovate to ovate-oblong, subcoriac., glab.; margins obscurely to distinctly denticulate to entire or sinuate. Fls few, near or remote from upper part of branchlets, (6)-9-12 mm. or more diam. Calyx deeply cleft; lobes lanceolate, acute, glab., about 1/2 length petals; petals white, bifid. Capsules (20)-40-50 mm. long, glab.; peduncles 5-10-(15) cm. long. Seeds smooth, testa minutely reticulate.
DIST.: N., S. Montane to subalpine shallow streams and very wet places from lat. 39° southwards.
FL.- FT. 12-4. Type locality and